for growing your business

to grow your money

Tax Credits (ERC/ERTC)
About AlphaCFO.Services
Our proprietary software and professional team of CPAs have assisted thousands of businesses develop and retain hundreds of millions of dollars in earnings.
For example, we can provide 12 percent per year interest rate on your savings dollars or cash reserves with a secured promissory note contract.
If you have not received your ERTC checks for all 6 quarters yet, we can help you with that also.
Are you a farmer or grower, or perhaps you are a food or beverage manufacturer? We can invest in your company by providing huge amounts of paid-up minerals inventory to bulk up the assets on your financial balance sheet at almost no net cost to you for the inventory. We can trade for equity or stock in your company. You will use these minerals to improve the nutrition of your food and beverage products or improve your farm production, or even get much faster golf course grass replenishment growth. Call or text Donald Lewis today at 801-995-9503.

What We Do
- Mergers
- Partnerships
Networking introductions
- Production Enhancements
Employee Retention Tax Credits (ERC/ERTC)
- Acquisitions
Joint Ventures
Amazing Depreciation Finds
Donations and Non-Profit Projects
Self Insurance pools on un-insurable risks
CARES Act Stimulus
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Employee Retention Tax Credits (ERC/ERTC)
Refundable employee retention credit up to $26,000 per employee is available! Has your business been impacted by COVID-19 but still supporting your employees? You could be eligible for a refundable retention credit of up to $26,000 per employee. The credit can offset all federal tax deposits which can be 25% – 30% of payroll costs. Anything above that amount is refundable by filing the proper forms.
Expanded Tax Credits Available for 2021
Most employers, including tax exempt organizations, can qualify for the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERC). For employers that qualify, including those with a PPP loan, the credit can be claimed against a portion of payroll from March 13, 2020 to June 30, 2021 and is paid directly to the business in the form of a refund check.
- – Up to $26,000 per employee
- – No “forgiveness” paperwork
- – Check from US Treasury
- – Use money for any purpose
- – Can also have PPP, PPP2